Have you found yourself applying false eyelashes while on your second glass of wine and running a little late to a gathering, well you’re doing it all wrong. Why ? Well because you can actually wear falsies for other moments that do not include a birthday cake, drunk testing your ex, or bars.
Many of the really nice false lashes are designed to be used for many occasions that don’t include brunch, on a date, or for your thirstiest thirst trap (hey, no shade). The only things you will need are correct technique, a bit of inspiration , So if you want to know how to apply your falsies for your next outing, keep on reading this article.
So we’re not really referring to those days when you have to run the post office to return a package or just a run to Target, but hey if you have to then go for it. We’re talking about those days when you want to add a little oomph to your look like say a scheduled date with your crush from the office or say some drinks after work. That’s when the false lashes come in to play.
Lashes with ultra-skinny bands and fluttery lashes are pretty ideal , or if that doesn’t sound like something for you then you can give individual lashes a try. You can place them spaced across your lid to give your natural lashes some volume or you can just apply them to the outer corners of your eyes to create a cat eye effect.
Many false lashes come with a tad bit of adhesive that sticks them to the packaging. That adhesive though is not good for sticking them to your eyes. “Before you start,gently remove the residue from the base of the lashes to get the strip as smooth as possible before you apply your glue,” says Moises Ramirez, makeup artist and lash wizard behind these gorgeous looks. “Otherwise, they won’t adhere to your lid as well and can end up looking bumpy.”
The Best Fake Eyelashes for Everyday
We all know that brunch just isn’t food only. Many times it includes food and taking selfies of your self and the food. Since you’ll already be your most extra self while posing 16 ways with your mimosa, give your lashes an amped-up edge with falsies that say, “I actually washed my hair for this outing.” To keep the look cute, not club, opt for fake eyelashes that are long, wispy, and slightly winged (i.e., thicker and fuller on the outer corners).
If you for any reason think that your strip falsies look fake, you can try the spoolie trick. This can be done by taking a clean spoolie ( you know that wand you brush your brows with) and carefully rub it back and forth like a windshield wiper over your lashes. That will give them some more fluff to make them look a a bit more natural before you apply them.
The Best Fake Eyelashes for Brunch
Are you the kind of person to wear false eyelashes when you’re an hour into pre-gaming and getting ready to call an Lyft ride. You are not alone! At the moment we all know it’s really not the best time to give individual lash application a try, stick with using more of a classic lash strip that fans out and is extra full. Sure, they’re going to look like lashes (how else are you going to see them in a dark bar?), but pairing them with bold eyeshadow or thick eyeliner will help balance them out.
The bigger the lash is, the thicker the band will be and also thicker as well. That will make it more likely for the lash band to become unglued later at night. . “Before doing your makeup, take the lash strips out of the package and wrap them around the base of your fattest makeup brush,” says Ramirez. “By the time you’re ready to apply them, they’ll be shaped like a dome, making it easier to glue the inner and outer corners down without them popping up later.”
The Best Fake Eyelashes for Going Out
If you plan to go out and physically leave your house and look cute and not just Netflix and chill (nothing wrong with that) give a more fluttery come hither lashes a try. Since you will be making some intense eye contact hopefully while conversating about your dreams and hopes and other topics, really play up your mascara game with decked out and thicker lashes.
If you are looking for a more realistic lash look, go for falsies that are individually long, fine, and varied in length. Or if you don’t want to use a full strip , give cluster lashes a try. Clusters are short strips of lashes (as if you cut a strip into quarters)that can be applied to just the outer corners of your eyes for a wide-eyed, romantic look.
Grab you lash curler and brow gel and blend in your falsies with your own natural lashes. “Wait five minutes for the strips to dry, then super lightly and gently curl your lashes together, making sure your curler is clean to keep it from sticking to your falsies and pulling them off,” says Ramirez. “You can add mascara on top to finish, or if you want to keep the look soft, I like using a clear brow gel to give them a natural sheen.”
The Best Eyelashes for Date Night
Ah, yes, the ever-thriving thirst trap—the calling card social media. Made popular by Cardi B, Kim Kardashian, and that one girl you went to high school with, thirst traps are usually all about loading on the makeup and taking off the clothes. But whatever thirsty means to you (for me, it’s taking a selfie…ever), there’s a set of falsies to help crank up the fire level on your feel-cute-might-delete-later pics.
And because it’s Insta, where you can truly be your most exaggerated, most extra, most makeup-loving self,go for some full-on ~fantasy~ lashes that are either ultra-long, spiked and spaced, or hella thick. Yep, they’ll look intense, and yep, they might make your lids feel like pure butterfly wings, but you’re not here for your LinkedIn pic, so let’s lean in a bit, shall we?
If you want to make it more simple to line up your natural lash line to your falsies you can try and cut your lash strips in half and apply them in 2 parts instead. Glue the outer section down first, then match up the seams of the inner section and glue it down,” says Ramirez. “Working with two halves makes it easier to customize the lashes to your natural lid shape, so they look most realistic.”
The Best Fake Eyelashes for Your Thirst-Trap Selfies
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